
德国红点奖是世界范围内影响力最大的设计奖之一,被誉为设计界的奥斯卡奖。腾翼科技的首席设计师盛教授,一直潜心钻研宠物家具的设计,产出了很多优秀的作品。获得2023年红点奖的作品《Raise Up》,就是出自盛教授之手。

The Red Dot Award, originated from Germany, is one of the most influential design awards worldwide, and it is deemed to be the “Oscar Award” by the design professionals. The chief designer at Flytech, Prof. Sheng, has been dedicated to designing pet-friendly furniture. And our 2023 Red Dot Award winner, RAISE UP, is a furniture design of his.

RAISE UP由两个音符状的猫爬架组成,造型非常独特。一方面它为猫提供了一个攀爬和休息的空间,另一方面藤编的材质满足了猫日常需要磨爪子的需求。圆润可爱的造型,也为养猫人士的家增添了一份温馨。

RAISE UP consists of two cat climbing trees, which are in the shape of musical notes. Together as a furniture set, it provides a space for cats to climb and lounge; and on the other hand, the wicker weave acts as an excellent cat scratcher. Their lovely shapes make these two cat climbing trees a good addition to your home furnishings.

盛教授回忆说,此作品创作于新冠肺炎大流行时期,作品取名RAISE UP灵感是来自于一首脍炙人口的英文歌YOU RAISE ME UP。同这首歌要表达的内涵一样,他想借这一作品,向大众传递一种积极向上、突破自我的人生态度。

Prof. Sheng recalled that RAISE UP was created during the COVID-19 pandemic. He got the name RAISE UP from a popular English song YOU RAISE ME UP. Just like the songwriter, he wanted to convey a clear message to the general public that, we should always keep our heads up and keep going.