Design Statement / 设计概述
This is an outdoor coffee table with a built-in solar lighting system. The combination turns an outside meal into a romantic candle lit dinner for two. The candle light is in the shape of a bird while space under the table top forms the nest. During the day, the bird is resting in the bird’s nest and stores energy, but at night when the table top is turned upside down, the bird emerges to light up the table. It’s a pleasant surprise moment!
Idea / 创意
Furniture and light are usually two separate pieces, so it is really interesting to build them as one. The benefits are clear: materials are significantly saved, and the reduced size allows it to be easily moved anywhere. The idea is not only about functional integration, but also an enhanced experience. After all, beautiful lighting brings people good vibes.
Form / 形式
The inspiration comes from my childhood memory of caged birds being set free. The sight of birds being released to freedom and joy is uplifting. This design takes a similar form to recall that scene. The bird lamp expresses life and energy; the nest, woven with natural material wicker, allows light in and out easily; and the metal legs are crafted in an elegant, minimalist, and sturdy style.
Function / 功能
运用太阳能技术,Birdlit Table在白天能稳定地吸收太阳能。它提供两种使用方式:常规状态下,在昏暗的环境中,小鸟灯具透过藤编材料的缝隙,能发出微弱的光芒;当桌面翻转180°固定后,小鸟灯具瞬间创造充足的光照强度,给用户带来意想不到的惊喜。此外,产品还提供了可观的储物空间,能放置手机、耳麦、充电线和书本等生活用品。
The Birdlit Table can sense and automatically respond to different lighting conditions: During the day, the bird lamp is off, resting upside down in the nest. The solar panel on the bottom allows it to capture solar energy; in a dimly lit environment. It automatically transforms and the light emerges through the holes of the wicker nest; at night when the table top is reversed and set in place, the bird lamp appears, as if magically, and sheds its soft radiance to enhance your evening. In addition, the table provides some storage space for your store cell phone, headphones, cables, books, etc. so the table top stays uncluttered.
Differentiation / 差异化
Quite different from traditional coffee tables on the market, this design introduces built-in lighting. Integration of the lighting function gives an emotional touch. Its reversible table top allows for the possibility of creative uses. This design strikes a comfortable balance between functionality, creativity, and technology. It also perfectly complements the brand’s values of “warmth, fun, texture, and technology”.
Impact / 影响
该设计创造了幸福和愉悦的生活品质,有助于现代高节奏生活下人们的减压需求,情感价值的创造带来乐趣,激发用户享受户外生活方式。Birdlit Table是一个以生态理念为主导的设计,藤编、铝框架和桌面塑木材料都非常轻,100%可回收,太阳能的利用更加体现节能与环保性。
This design creates romance and happiness, which are severely lacking in our fast-paced lives. Reduce stress, deepen emotional ties and encourage outdoor living. Birdlit Table is an eco-friendly design. Its materials – the wicker, aluminum frame and table top are light and 100% recyclable. Its solar powered light saves energy and is thus sustainable.