腾翼科技是中国新锐家具品牌, 由获得德国红点至尊奖、 欧洲产品设计奖金奖、 意大利 A’ Design 优秀奖的工业设计师, 以及在藤编户外家具领域经营多年的工程团队组建而成。 腾翼科技倡导自由科技, 聚焦宠物户外家具这一细分领域, 绘制 “为宠物安置一个家(HOME FOR PETS)” 的蓝图愿景, 以创造清晰的设计概念、 温馨活力的品牌形象和独树一帜的家具产品, 实现用户对宠物家具的热切需求, 在互联网时代广泛地建立了用户群体的信任。 “温馨、 有趣、 质感、 科技” 是品牌的核心价值, 腾翼科技集成设计创新、 生产制造和品牌营销模式, 不断探究人、 宠物、 家具和环境之间互动的新方式, 进而打造出不同的系列化高端家具精品。

FLYTECH is an emerging furniture brand from China, led by a team of industrial designers who are winners of “Best of the Best” Red Dot Award, the European Product Design Award (EPDA) and A’ Design Award, and supported by seasoned outdoor furniture engineers. We utilize state of the art technologies in our designs, with the vision of creating a “Home for Pets” and the ambition to be a leader in the niche market of outdoor furniture for pets. Our mission is to design and manufacture unique pet furniture that well integrates “warmth, fun, texture and technology” and meets the ever diversifying needs from pet owners. We keep exploring new ways humans, pets, furniture and nature interact, and then turn the inspirations we get into timeless furniture designs.



Pets are our great companions. The vision of creating a Home for Pets has allowed us to examine how different pets live, eat, play and interact, and it is an endless source of inspirations for us too. By a close study of how humans, pets, furniture and nature interact, we have designed our pet furniture in ways that facilitate intimate human-pet interactions.

有趣 / FUN


At FLY TECH, conventional forms and functions are challenged. Our industrial designer team develops new functions and structures that blend aesthetics with fun – this is exactly what defines us. It is those distinctive qualities that make us stand out from our competitors.



In designing we take the use of materials into serious consideration, always seeking to maintain a balance between simplicity of form and diversity of material. With the help of our highly proficient craftsmen and advanced machinery, we are able to transform our ideas into products that are elegant, fine, and durable.



Our R&D team consists of top furniture engineers and doctors of materials from renowned universities in China. In our labs they jointly seek creative applications of nanotechnology, solar energy technology and surface finishing technology in furniture manufacturing. Their research results “nourish” our designers, giving them inspirations which later become amazing products.


We are a one-stop furniture solution provider. Apart from creating great furniture designs and leading industry innovation, we also help you make more effective use of your hotel, garden and patio spaces, and with the furniture we choose and manufacture specially for you, make them always nice and cozy. We offer small production runs to better meet the personalized needs of customers from over 80 countries.